Friday, January 27, 2012

Trying to stay positive (and failing miserably)

I managed an A in Bio. I managed an A in O-chem. I managed *not* to start crying in pure, heartfelt despair when after working on an extraction in chem lab for nearly an hour, I spilled the entire contents of the funnel out into the fume hood. -_-

O-chem is proving one of the most frustrating experiences of my academic life. I knew it would be difficult - that's ok, because I enjoy chemistry. What I wasn't anticipating was the format of the labs. I love getting to work on my own, that's not the issue. Working on my own allows me to accurately gauge my own skill and proficiency. What I'm hating, though, is the way in which we are so unceremoniously turned loose in lab. I thought that this was chance to learn! Rather than being shown, guided, or taught, the instructor merely sits and grades papers for most of the lab. Getting answers or explanations of technique or chemical disposal guidelines is akin to pulling teeth. We all feel quite alone, using equipment we have never seen before and handling hazardous chemicals. It's frustrating, rushed, and almost frightening. My classmates are my one relief from the uncertainty and irritation - most are dedicated, mature, and wonderfully friendly. I am at ease around them, and can happily give and receive help with confidence. 
