Friday, January 27, 2012

Trying to stay positive (and failing miserably)

I managed an A in Bio. I managed an A in O-chem. I managed *not* to start crying in pure, heartfelt despair when after working on an extraction in chem lab for nearly an hour, I spilled the entire contents of the funnel out into the fume hood. -_-

O-chem is proving one of the most frustrating experiences of my academic life. I knew it would be difficult - that's ok, because I enjoy chemistry. What I wasn't anticipating was the format of the labs. I love getting to work on my own, that's not the issue. Working on my own allows me to accurately gauge my own skill and proficiency. What I'm hating, though, is the way in which we are so unceremoniously turned loose in lab. I thought that this was chance to learn! Rather than being shown, guided, or taught, the instructor merely sits and grades papers for most of the lab. Getting answers or explanations of technique or chemical disposal guidelines is akin to pulling teeth. We all feel quite alone, using equipment we have never seen before and handling hazardous chemicals. It's frustrating, rushed, and almost frightening. My classmates are my one relief from the uncertainty and irritation - most are dedicated, mature, and wonderfully friendly. I am at ease around them, and can happily give and receive help with confidence. 


Monday, November 28, 2011

Library booksale treasures

The library booksale is, in all honesty, one of my favorite events of the entire year. As a bibliophile (or perhaps more accurately, a bibliomaniac!), I am filled with a mixture of bliss at finding treasure and a panic that someone else will find them before me. It's a mad rush that puts any black friday shoppers to shame when the open those doors and the hoards of book-hungry enthusiasts pour in and start the hunt. These are a few images from my recent finds.

 Robin Hood from a vintage/antique children's book I found

Knights protect the inside cover

I love how dignified the author portraits are in old books

 Confession: I bought this mostly for the awesome cover.

 Chapter headings are the best!

From a small book on an artist I'd never heard of - it reminded me of the Pre-Raphaelite art that I fell in love with during a class on the history of photography

From an antique textbook on physiology. It was falling apart, but the images are still in good shape.

The dangers of "tight lacing"!

The attention to detail in antiques is no small part of why I'm so drawn to them

I found these notes the photo, and the inscription inside an old Literature textbook. It's these little treasures and glimpses into the lives of previous owners that make the hunt for antiques so exciting!

Art is
biology lab notes

I am lost without my Boswell!

I wish my handwriting looked like this...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A few pics

I like to carry my camera with me whenever I can - so I've accumulated a huge number of photos during the past few years. These are a few from late summer.

I found a huge number of fungi varieties this year in the front yard. I need to educate myself about them soon - I feel embarrassingly uninformed about even apparently common species! 

 Broken over

Mushrooms have such fascinating textures!

This is an empty seed pod from one of my columbine plants. I got a few new columbines this year from my Omie when we removed a raised flower bed for her. They're a pretty red variety. I'll be interested to see the results if they mix with my blue columbines! I'm really loving how the front side beds are progressing. The columbine stems peek out just above the full, leafy foliage of our ostrich ferns and hostas. It's very satisfying, and thankfully involves a ,minimum amount of maintenance.

The symmetry of nature!

Not a great pic, I know. But it was a moment I tried to capture, anyway. This is right outside of the Great Hall of the college I attend. It was just barely misting that evening, and the sharpness of the little crab-apple tree under the light compared to the dreary softness of the damp evening was rather surreal...