I always used to wonder why people got so excited about Monarch butterflies. There are so many more interesting-looking lepidopterans. Point taken now. I get it. Monarchs are amazing!
The success I had with the monarchs, even after all the trouble I had with the swallowtails (more on that some other time), has given me a certain amount of confidence with arthropods. I'm not going to shy away from raising them in the future. In addition to more monarchs, I'll be trying to attract other swallowtails, common buckeyes, red admirals, mantids, lacewings, and assassin bugs next year. I'd love to continue learning about them this way - nothing matches hands-on experience.
I've also begun to realize how rough the little critters have it. Empty fields get mowed, people use pesticides with impunity, "worms" get squashed without a single thought for the beautiful beings they become. I'd like to help them in whatever little ways I can - and I'm going to start with my little corner of yard by creating a host plant garden next year. If you're reading this, I hope you'll do the same! Check out Monarch Watch's website for info about why creating "Monarch Waystations" are so valuable for these winged gems.
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