Sunday, November 27, 2011

A few pics

I like to carry my camera with me whenever I can - so I've accumulated a huge number of photos during the past few years. These are a few from late summer.

I found a huge number of fungi varieties this year in the front yard. I need to educate myself about them soon - I feel embarrassingly uninformed about even apparently common species! 

 Broken over

Mushrooms have such fascinating textures!

This is an empty seed pod from one of my columbine plants. I got a few new columbines this year from my Omie when we removed a raised flower bed for her. They're a pretty red variety. I'll be interested to see the results if they mix with my blue columbines! I'm really loving how the front side beds are progressing. The columbine stems peek out just above the full, leafy foliage of our ostrich ferns and hostas. It's very satisfying, and thankfully involves a ,minimum amount of maintenance.

The symmetry of nature!

Not a great pic, I know. But it was a moment I tried to capture, anyway. This is right outside of the Great Hall of the college I attend. It was just barely misting that evening, and the sharpness of the little crab-apple tree under the light compared to the dreary softness of the damp evening was rather surreal...

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